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Biosecurity Central


Biosecurity Central

The global biosecurity community has developed a wide range of tools to meet the need for developing and sharing strategies for the field of practice. What has been lacking is a shared resource, surfacing and publicizing these tools. We have established Biosecurity Central, a publicly-available web-based library to fill that gap (biosecuritycentral.org). The site aims to widely disseminate and share knowledge to help advance biosafety and biosecurity globally. Our team convened a working group of global experts to identify, validate, curate, and publish information regarding the most useful resources in the field. The resources are organized by a shared ontology, tagged with key metadata to facilitate discovery, and published freely on the web. Implemented in collaboration with the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), as of December 2023 Biosecurity Central holds about 180 biosecurity resources including policies, requirements and protocols, and training materials, with about 2,000 visitors a month from 196 countries. The library is a searchable and filterable database designed to enable ready access to biosafety and biosecurity resources from around the globe. New resources are submitted, reviewed, and added to the library regularly. We are accepting new suggested submissions for inclusion in the library, and are always excited to hear about new resources.

Risk Area(s) covered


Beneficiary Countries

Beneficiary Regions




Active, Ongoing
Start Date: 
End Date: 

ASI Database Release

Providers and Implementers ?

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Name Position Agency/Department/Org Note
Ellie Graeden Research Professor
The Center for Global Health Science and Security
Georgetown University

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