Home \ Projects \ Increasing Southeast Asia’s Capacity to Detect, Deter, Disrupt Chemical WMD Events

Increasing Southeast Asia’s Capacity to Detect, Deter, Disrupt Chemical WMD Events


Increasing Southeast Asia’s Capacity to Detect, Deter, Disrupt Chemical WMD Events

The Introduction to Pharmaceutical Based Agent Course is a collaborative project between the Department of State and Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI designed and developed an introductory course on Pharmaceutical-based Agents (PBAs) for Law Enforcement Officers, Public Health Officials, and other invited participants in Malaysia, Philippines, and Indonesia.

Given the current threat environment and the interest exhibited by terrorist actors in acquiring chemical agents or their precursors, it is of the utmost importance that countries across the globe expand their ability to identify, disrupt, respond to, and mitigate the threats posed by these actors. Over the past few years, documentation has shown an uptick in chemical incidents or attempted incidents within countries in Southeast Asia due to size of the chemical industries in the region; the widespread availability of toxic industrial chemicals (TICs), chemical warfare agents (CWAs), and dual use chemicals; and the ever-expanding foreign fighter issue in the region.

Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines are of particular concern in Southeast Asia given the current presence of radical terrorist groups and the size and scope of the chemical industry in these countries. Additionally, fentanyl and other PBAs and their precursors have become an increasingly significant concern in the region.

Due to the ongoing global pandemic of COVID-19 and the inability of FBI and other personnel to travel internationally, this course was designed to be presented on a virtual platform with simultaneous translation.

Risk Area(s) covered


Beneficiary Countries

Beneficiary Regions




Start Date: 
End Date: 

ASI Database Release

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Name Position Agency/Department/Org Note
Mr Todd Perry Special Coordinator, UNSCR 1540
Department of State
United States
Mr Stephen Knight Point of Contact
United States Mission to the United Nations
United States

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