Home \ Projects \ MENA Advanced BioRisk Officer Training Program 2.0

MENA Advanced BioRisk Officer Training Program 2.0

This course consisted of 4 weeks of training. The project sought to develop fully competent biorisk management officers that are also biorisk management trainers. The course had a heavy focus on biosecurity and emphasis that biological agents can be misused, accidentally or deliberately. The course emphasized methods for biosecurity risk assessment, personal suitability assessments, how to secure dangerous biological agents and how to properly account for and justify their use. The course gave the students resources that they could use for reference in their own program assessments and in their own teaching and trainer development.

Risk Area(s) covered


Beneficiary Countries

Beneficiary Regions


302000 USD


Start Date: January 1, 2017
End Date: 

ASI Database Release

Providers and Implementers ?

Related Projects & Programs


Name Position Agency/Department/Org Note
Mr Todd Perry Special Coordinator, UNSCR 1540
Department of State
United States
Mr Stephen Knight Point of Contact
United States Mission to the United Nations
United States

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