Home \ Projects \ Nuclear Security Policy and Practice in the African Continent Workshop

Nuclear Security Policy and Practice in the African Continent Workshop

The major objectives of the workshop were to:

  1. Raise awareness of nuclear security risks and threats and how they are pertinent to the African continent;
  2. Examine international nuclear security norms, guidance and implementation practice;
  3. Contribute to cooperation among nuclear security stakeholders in the region and with international experts;
  4. Help bring African voices into the global debate; and
  5. Identify practical measures to enhance nuclear security in Africa.

The workshop program featured regional and international experts and practitioners from academia, national governments, and international organizations.

Risk Area(s) covered


Beneficiary Countries

Beneficiary Regions




Start Date: January 1, 2017
End Date: 

ASI Database Release

Providers and Implementers ?

Related Projects & Programs


Name Position Agency/Department/Org Note
Dr William Potter Director
James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS)
Mr Jonathan Dowdall 1540 Committee Representative
Political Counter Terrorism and Counter-Proliferation
United Kingdom
Mr Luke Bailey CBRN Security Desk
Counter Proliferation Department
United Kingdom

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