
UNSCR 1540 Assistance Support Initiative (ASI)

This multi-phase project is supporting the development and implementation of an Assistance Support Initiative (ASI) online database to help States achieve compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540, which obligates countries to combat the spread of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, their means of delivery, and illicit trafficking in related materials within or across their borders. The Initiative maintains a database of projects and programs available to help countries achieve compliance with those requirements as well as programs that prevent the proliferation of radiological weapons.

Risk Area(s) covered


Beneficiary Countries

Beneficiary Regions


1686858 CAD


Start Date: January 1, 2017
End Date: December 31, 2022

ASI Database Release

Providers and Implementers ?


Name Position Agency/Department/Org Note
Mr Trevor Smith Head & CWC Point of Contact
Global Partnership Program
Mr Simon Collard-Wexler First Secretary
Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations
Mr Allen Brown Deputy Director
Nuclear Nonproliferation and Arms Control and Disarmament Policy, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Division (IGN)
Global Affairs Canada

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